Advancing Onshore Capabilities: NA-2 Pipeline and Infrastructure Upgrade

The Onshore Maintain Potential Program Zone NA-2 is a comprehensive infrastructure initiative that enhances vital oilfield components, including flowlines, trunklines, and water injection systems. This project also includes the installation of overhead power lines and significant upgrades to SCADA and fiber optic systems, aligning with Saudi Aramco’s goals for operational excellence and improved resource management.

Key Project Insights:

  • Work Type: Wellhead Construction & System Upgrades
  • Period: 2014 – 2024
  • Location: Saudi Arabia
  • Value: USD 168.94 million

Project Highlights:

  • Comprehensive Wellhead Development: Construction of multiple wellhead sites to support increased production capacity.
  • Advanced Flowline Network: Installation of flowlines, trunklines, and water injection systems for efficient resource transfer.
  • Power and Communication Integration: Overhead power lines and fiber optic cable systems implemented to ensure seamless data and energy flow.
  • Cutting-Edge SCADA Systems: Upgrading the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems for enhanced remote monitoring and control.
  • Strong Collaborative Execution: Close coordination with Saudi Aramco to deliver a robust infrastructure capable of meeting future demands.

Skybound Excellence

Lamar Arabia is transforming offshore accessibility as the Siemens Helideck Installation project sets new standards for operational efficiency and safety in the dynamic realm of the North Sea.